Oh happy new year!
In the frosty darkness of New Year's Eve a sturdy band of about thirty of us braved the freezing chill to venture outside into the orchard at our mountain home to partake
in the ancient Anglo-Saxon tradition of

Waes hael - "to be well, hale." We gathered around the trees dancing and singing, "Here's to thee old apple tree; hats full, sacks full,
great bushel bags full. Hurrah!" Then we sprinkled the waissail mixture of mulled ale and wines on the sleeping trees, a practice from antiquity. Perhaps our dances to scare away the worms
and bring good wishes for a plentiful crop were more subdued than in eons past, nonetheless we enjoyed the ritual linking us to our bygone roots.
As we sang, my musings slipped from the past to my personal goals for this fresh new year. I was warmed by the deliciousness of new beginnings. Then I thought of you and
that Kris Allen song, Live Like You Are Dying, which reminds us how precious our days are. I hope you are happy with the
way you chose to live your days in 2015. If not, for 2016 why not reaffirm the importance of mindfulness and finding the positive in situations. Happiness experts tell us that we are the
happiest when we are pursuing something that has meaning for us. As we ring in this new year, let's commit to living with the best choices possible, to strive toward our most joyful selves,
to live with meaning. If you aren't that satisfied with the life you are living right now, you can turn things around quickly by making a transformative decision for the future.
My great wish for you waes hael, that you be well and enjoy the comfort of your spiritual life, that you thrive within the warm embrace of your family and friends. It is your
time now. You have the power to create wonderful days. I hope that you plunge head first into this brand new year with all the excitement and energy at your command.
I love hearing from you. My best, donna
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Paper Writing Service (Thursday, 23 November 2017 04:05)
A person trusts that one should wear new garments on a New Year's Day. This would mean accepting all the more new pieces of clothing amid the year. Red dress is favored for New Year's Day since red is viewed as upbeat shading and is certain to draw in for the wearer a brighter future.
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