On Sunday Dr. Zavala's Positive Living post included this quote, "For there are no ordinary
moments. There are only precious feelings and memories we piece together one by one. We call it a lifetime," Leslie D. Stuart. Having spent a
wonderful three-day weekend with my husband, oldest son, and three of his daughters racing the Catalina marathon and smaller races,
I took it to heart.
KUCI Show with Kimberlee Martin
Last week I was the guest on the KUCI radio show Real People OC hosted by Kimberlee Martin. During the hour-long interview many questions regarding my difficult childhood
needed to be answered. She wanted to listeners to understand where I have come from in order to get a handle on who I am today. They were tough questions, taking me back to those horrible
Avalon Race: Donna, brother Chuck, son Rick
On my own, hiking the trails of Catalina, I thought more about those questions and how that beginning has colored the who of me today. The best answer I can come up with
is that the obstacles of my abuse and neglect have heightened my awareness and appreciation for all that is good and beautiful in the world. And so if I linger too long on the beauty of a
sunset, the silly antics of my dogs, or the victories of my many grandchildren, it is because of this. I make no apologies. It is who I am today.
The show is airing soon and I have attached the link to it